Conversation Corner for People Are Stories-in-Progress - Summer 2022

I asked, and at least one reader said that they would enjoy having a place to chat with each other about People Are Stories-in-Progress. Some readers have really enjoyed having a place to discuss when The Ever Afters was coming out, and they still do. If you’re curious about the current Spoiler Board, click on the button below. It has slowed down quite a bit, but sometimes, people still visit.

This Conversation Corner is designed to give you an opportunity to chat with each other as you move through this process.

(As a reminder, this is only if you want to .)

As a head’s up:

  • I will be checking in, but I won't be actively monitoring at all times. Questions for me are best submitted through this page, and you can also attend the next Community Q’s on Instagram Live to ask me in person.

  • By commenting here, you commit to being kind to each other:

    • Criticism and frustrations are absolutely okay.

    • Malice and mean-spiritedness are not.

  • I reserve the right to delete a comment at my discretion. Reasons I have deleted comments in the past:

    • The comment was spam or otherwise inappropriate.

    • A young reader left their personal information, such as email, school, or physical address. (Young ones, I love your enthusiasm and hate to curb it, but don’t leave into like that on the internet for strangers to find. This site is public. Anyone can see it.)

And one more important thing…
